Friday, November 20, 2020

This Spinning Miracle



This morning my dog Brando was very much out of it: disoriented, frightened, breathing strangely. (He had been under anesthesia most of yesterday) I fed him fresh salmon and some rice and then went to the downstairs area of my house, opened the back doors and he came down the stairs gingerly. 

He walked out onto the deck, freshly wet from the rain and took a few sniffs. I observed him closely...his ears perking up at wild sounds, watched him taking in the scents I could not even hope to pick up. He shifted slightly, his body twitching a bit and then my little white dog spotted a squirrel running up the redwood and took off after him. All his senses were alive again. He ran like the wind. 

 I cried not so much that Brando had returned to the world (although that matters to me in ways I can not explain) but because this is what the natural world accomplishes for every living thing. But especially now for human beings. We will perish without it being alive and thriving and available to everyone all the time. It is not for the wealthy alone to be engaged in the world around us. We must stop the exploiters and elite dead in their tracks. This world is not just for rich humans but for all species on this planet. 

Brando and I will go for a short walk today and I will feel gratitude for the air that costs nothing and the sky that costs nothing and for the trees that cost nothing. In the end, your environment, the NATURAL world, is all we really have. And it must be free to everyone. Such beauty and wisdom in trees, and sky, and ground and all living creatures. That's the only "political" platform that will matter at some point. How well we were stewards of this earth. 

This spinning miracle.


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